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Symptoms of Depression

When most people think of depression, they think of very specific symptoms, but not everyone who has depression will experience all of the symptoms. Here is a list of the most common symptoms:

Feeling sad and miserable.

Exhaustion and a loss of energy.

Thoughts that the smallest tasks are impossible.  

Loss of interest and pleasure in activities they used to enjoy.  

Feelings of anxiety.  Feelings of hopelessness, worthless.

Choosing to become reclusive or becoming frightened to be left on their own.

Feelings of dread when facing a social situation, such as a party or meeting.

Difficulty thinking clearly.  Poor concentration, Over thinking

Feeling guilt over insignificant actions.

Feeling like a burden to other people.

Having thoughts that their life is no longer worth living.

Unable to see a bright future.  

Having difficulty with sleeping. 

Having no appetite, excessive hunger, fatigue.


The symptoms of depression can be divided into three types Psychological, Physical & Social 

Psychological Symptoms

Persistent low mood.

Feelings of helplessness and hopelessness.

Low self-esteem.

Feeling guilty, irritable, intolerant of others, or tearful.

Having low motivation.

Unable to make decisions.

Not enjoying life.

Feeling worried or anxious.

Having thoughts of harm or suicide.

Physical Symptoms

Speaking or moving more slowly than one used to.

Changes in weight or appetite.

Unexplained pains in the body.


Lack of energy and libido.

Changes in the menstrual cycle.

Difficulty in sleeping.

Social Symptoms

Difficulties in work or school.

Avoiding contact with others.

Disinterest in social activities, interests and hobbies.

Difficulties with family and home life.

