PureMind Naturals-Heal Anxiety without medications

Master Class | 16th & 17th Nov. 2023 | Time : 8 PM

Welcome to "Conquering Mental Hurdles: Unveiling the Truth about Anxiety, Depression, Insomnia & OCD"!

This webinar aims to provide valuable insights and assistance for anyone facing these common mental health challenges.

Are you tired of feeling overwhelmed by anxiety?
Do you want to gain a deeper understanding of depression and find ways to overcome it?
Are you struggling with sleepless nights due to insomnia?
I'm Biju, your Mental Wellness Coach with over five years of experience in providing online therapy. I've successfully assisted more than 3,500 individuals across the country and worldwide. Here, we offer a comprehensive approach to mental well-being without relying on medication. Your journey to a healthier mind starts now.

Real Stories, Real Results: Watch Our Client Testimonials "Take a moment to hear directly from our clients. Their stories illuminate the struggles with anxiety and how they've found lasting solutions through our program. Click to watch and be inspired by their transformative journeys!"

From Fear to Freedom: How Mr. Mohid Yadav from Bhopal Overcame the Fear of Death with Online Therapy. 

"Amit Rathore's (Faridabad, Haryana) Journey Beyond Heart Attack Anxiety"

Mr. John Nanda's Testimonial Video: Detailing 5 Years of Anxiety, His Problems, Symptoms, and Recovery Through Our Online Therapy."

"From Struggle to Hope: Mrs. Rupali Opens Up About Her OCD & Anxiety Battles and Celebrates a 70%+ Recovery Through Our Online Therapy Sessions"

"Decades of Battle, A Ray of Hope: Watch Mr. Abhishek's 40-Year Anxiety Journey and Discover How Our Online Sessions Paved His Way to a 95% Recovery."

Day1 - 16th November (Thursday) Time 8 pm to 10 pm

 Unraveling the Roots of Mental Wellness

Anxiety and Phobia Unveiled: Understanding the Intricacies
Delve into what anxiety and phobia mean and how they affect our lives.

The Origin Stories: Childhood Conditioning and Trauma
Explore how early life experiences, conditioning, and trauma lay the groundwork for future mental health challenges.

Uncovering the Underlying Causes: The Search for Root Causes
Investigate the process of identifying core issues that contribute to anxiety, depression, and insomnia.

The Impact of Trauma: From PTSD to Persistent Anxiety
Discuss the profound effects of post-traumatic stress and its role in ongoing anxiety disorders.

Decoding Behavior: Why We Act the Way We Do
Understand behavioral patterns and their link to mental health, emphasizing the importance of recognizing these patterns as a step towards healing.

Is Recovery Within Reach?: Debunking the Myths Around Curability
Address common misconceptions about mental health recovery and discuss the potential for healing and management.

The Brain's Role: Neuroscience and Neuroplasticity 
Introduce the concepts of neuroscience and neuroplasticity, explaining the brain’s ability to adapt and recover, including a focus on key areas like the amygdala and hippocampus.

Day 2 - 17th November (Friday) Time 8 pm to 10 pm

Mastering Mental Wellness

Holistic Strategies for Mental Health: Overcoming Anxiety, Depression, and Insomnia
Overview of comprehensive strategies tailored for each condition.

Commanding Your Emotions: Inner Communication Mastery
Techniques for gaining control over your emotional responses and self-talk.

Engage and Empower: Live Practical Mastery Session
Interactive session applying practical techniques for immediate relief.

Decoding Behavior: Understanding Your Mental Patterns
Insights into recognizing and altering habitual thought patterns that contribute to mental distress.

Creating Lasting Change: Cultivating Enduring Mental Wellness
Strategies for maintaining mental health and preventing relapse.

Exclusive Opportunity: The Pathway to Permanent Relief

For details about Anxiety,Depression,OCD, Insomnia Therapy & Consultation. Submit your details, We will contact you as soon as possible.