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Postpartum OCD

What is Postpartum OCD?

Postpartum OCD is a type of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder that can occur after the birth of a child. It involves intrusive, distressing thoughts or fears about harming the baby, oneself, or others. These obsessive thoughts are often irrational, but they cause significant anxiety, leading to compulsive behaviours that the person feels compelled to carry out to prevent something bad from happening. Postpartum OCD is different from postpartum depression, although it can occur alongside it.

Common Obsessions in Postpartum OCD

  • Fear of unintentionally harming the baby (e.g., thoughts of hurting the baby during routine tasks like feeding or changing).
  • Intrusive thoughts about being a bad parent or not being able to care for the baby properly.
  • Worry about something terrible happening to the baby, even if the danger is not real.
  • Fear of being judged as an unfit parent or that others will discover the unwanted thoughts.
  • Obsessions about cleanliness, such as fears of germs or contamination affecting the baby.

Common Behaviors in Postpartum OCD

  • Checking and re-checking to ensure the baby is safe (e.g., checking on the baby constantly while they sleep).
  • Avoiding certain activities or situations where the individual fears something bad might happen (e.g., avoiding taking the baby outside or using certain objects).
  • Excessive cleaning, such as constantly washing hands or sanitizing the baby’s belongings.
  • Seeking reassurance from others about the baby’s safety or the ability to be a good parent.
  • Mentally repeating certain rituals or thoughts to relieve anxiety or prevent harm.

How Postpartum OCD Affects Daily Life

Postpartum OCD can make the early months of parenting feel overwhelming and isolating. The constant worry about harming the baby or being unable to care for them properly can create significant stress and exhaustion. The compulsive behaviours can interfere with bonding with the baby, daily tasks, and personal well-being. If left untreated, it can impact the parent’s emotional health and family life.

Hope and Healing

At WellMind Holistic, we offer self-developed, medication-free therapies to help parents struggling with Postpartum OCD. Our approaches focus on addressing the underlying fears and intrusive thoughts, allowing you to build a calm, confident connection with your baby and regain your peace of mind.

You don’t have to face Postpartum OCD alone. Let us help you overcome these challenges and find your way to a more peaceful, fulfilling life as a parent.

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