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Generalized Anxiety Disorder(GAD)

Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) can be described as excessive worry that is not necessarily focused on anything specific, but rather there is a general feeling of being on edge or feeling tense about a variety of things in life (e.g. finances, health, work, family, financial issues, future, etc.).

The exaggerated worry is usually not provoked or triggered by a particular event or stressor, although certain situations may heighten the anxiety. That is what makes this Anxiety Disorder so tricky for people to deal with on their own because a person may believe they are just experiencing “normal” everyday concerns. Yet, somehow these worries seem to affect them more than the next person. When it comes to GAD, a person may feel like they cannot switch off worrying thoughts. People with GAD often say things like: “I thought I was just a worrier”; “I worry about everything all the time”; “I often can’t sleep because the worries keep going around and around in my mind”; “My mind is constantly working through every possible scenario and preparing for all the negative outcomes.”

Aspects of GAD that distinguish it from regular everyday worries are the symptoms that accompany the worry, and the intensity and frequency of the worry. People with GAD usually experience a consistent feeling of threat, racing thoughts, fear of future consequences, restlessness, irritability, sleep issues, and symptoms similar to panic, which include; heart palpitations, dry mouth, sweating or hot flashes, trembling or tense muscles, and upset stomach (or butterflies in the stomach).

Having GAD feels like walking around with a brain that is always switched “ON” to analyzing any possible threat there may be during every moment of the day, and thinking of every possible consequence or solution to each of those threats. The problem though, is that most of the consequences do not happen and most of the solutions are not required. Therefore, the mind is constantly being over-used for things that will never occur.


Anxiety is a normal human process; in fact, it is necessary for our survival as it alerts us to threats. The problem with GAD is that the anxiety system has become over-active and much more sensitive to threats which means the anxiety system is activated by “perceived” threats or possible future threats rather than actual danger in the present moment. This can cause the anxiety system to be activated on and off for the majority of the day, leaving the person feeling constantly tense and worried. Although there is some agreement amongst researchers that there is a genetic component involved in developing GAD, there is no certainty about why certain people develop GAD and why others do not. The most likely explanation is that GAD develops due to a combination of things such as genetic, behavioural, and developmental factors.

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