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False Memory OCD

What is False Memory OCD?

False Memory OCD is a type of OCD where a person becomes obsessed with doubts about past events, often questioning if they did something wrong or harmful. These doubts feel real and can cause a lot of distress.

Symptoms of False Memory OCD

  • Constantly doubting past actions or events.
  • Feeling guilty about things that may not have happened.
  • Fear of being blamed or judged for imagined actions.

Normal Doubts vs. False Memory OCD

Everyone has doubts sometimes, but in False Memory OCD, the doubts are extreme, constant, and hard to dismiss.

Common Obsessions in False Memory OCD

  • Worrying about harming someone without realizing it.
  • Thinking you said or did something inappropriate in the past.
  • Fearing you might have committed a crime but forgot.

Common Compulsions in False Memory OCD

  • Mental reviewing: Going over events repeatedly in your mind.
  • Reassurance-seeking: Asking others if you did something wrong.
  • Thought suppression: Trying to block or replace upsetting thoughts.
  • Confessing: Admitting to something you’re unsure even happened.
  • Physical checking: Looking for evidence to prove or disprove your doubts.
  • Avoidance: Staying away from situations that trigger doubts.
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