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Are you looking for natural healing therapy treatments and methods that provide long-lasting relief? Want to quit taking your medication? Do you think that nothing is working for you? No joy, no satisfaction, no enjoyment, etc. 

Are you searching for Natural Healing Therapy without medication for Depression, Insomnia (Sleeping Issues), and anxiety?

What are the Signs of Depression?

The main sign that can see in people who are suffering from depression is a long-lasting mood swing. Depression is a mood disorder, feeling depressed mood, sadness, helplessness, hopelessness, and worthlessness. They did not have an interest in all things that usually bring pleasure. 

While we all feel sad, moody, or low from time to time, some people experience these feelings intensely, for a long time (weeks, months, or maybe years), and sometimes without any apparent reason. 


 The severity of depression varies from one person to another one.   

Severe depression – People suffering from severe depression have depression that affects all aspects of their lives, physically and psychologically.

Moderate depression – People suffering from depression usually have several symptoms related to depression, and their lives are affected by these symptoms.

Mild depression – With mild depression, a person will have at least five depression symptoms, and their lives are only mildly affected.

Depressed People do not seem to care anymorethey might have lost interest in their work, hobbies, sex, or other pleasurable activities. They often withdraw themselves from social activities and relationships with friends or family.

A depressed person has a negative outlook – they often feel sad, moody, short-tempered, or irritable. They speak of a feeling of hopelessness. 

Depressed Person complains of physical pain – Headaches, back pain, and stomach pains often found in those with depression. They might also complain of exhaustion.

A depressed person has changed sleeping schedule – sleeps quite usually or not enough. It might cause them to be forgetful, disorganized, or indecisive.

Depressed Person changes their eating habits – Those who are depressed often eat more or less than usual, a weight gain or loss.

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Causes of Depression

Depression can be caused by a combination of different factors or stressful life events (both past and present), but sometimes the cause is not so obvious. However, different stressors can affect individuals differently at different times of their lives.
Common Causes of Depression




Death or a loss of a loved one - Sadness and Grief

Certain Medications

Health issues and Accident

Brain Chemistry

Over the last so many years of experiences of human life, everybody experienced; The breakdown of extended family.

A greater focus on material possessions and wealth.

Dispersal of communities.

An increased focus on self.

More media.

One of the core aspects of depression is the thinking style of the person who suffers from the condition. Depression is a result of experiencing bad events in life. Post-traumatic stress disorder or sadness experience seems to trigger depression, but why do all people who have experienced the same trauma not develop depression?

If something happens, such as the sudden death of a family member or a spouse, a person starts to feel angry, hurt, sad, or in shock. Most of the time, all these traumatic events link to depression, but it does not mean that these events cause depression.  

Negative emotional thoughts and overthinking lead to sadness, and then the depressed person often feel guilty for feeling depressed. Other people might have these same thoughts yet never get those feelings of depression.

Higher quality of neurogenesis will help to overcome depression. Neurogenesis is the process of forming new neurons or brain cells. Low levels of neurogenesis cause depression.  

Research shows high rates of neurogenesis associated with higher cognitive function, good memory, and faster learning. When neurogenesis is low, the life quality also will suffer. 

Overcoming depression is possible by learning the techniques of switching an unresourceful state of mind to a resourceful state of mind.

Symptoms of Depression 

When most people think of depression, they think of very specific symptoms, but not everyone who has depression will experience all of the symptoms. Here is a list of the most common symptoms:

Feeling sad and miserable.

Exhaustion and a loss of energy.

Thoughts that the smallest tasks are impossible.  

Loss of interest and pleasure in activities they used to enjoy.  

Feelings of anxiety.  Feelings of hopelessness, worthless.

Choosing to become reclusive or becoming frightened to be left on their own.

Feelings of dread when facing a social situation, such as a party or meeting.

Difficulty thinking clearly.  Poor concentration, Over thinking

Feeling guilt over insignificant actions.

Feeling like a burden to other people.

Having thoughts that their life is no longer worth living.

Unable to see a bright future.  

Having difficulty with sleeping. 

Having no appetite, excessive hunger, fatigue.

The symptoms of depression can be divided into three types Psychological, Physical & Social 

Psychological Symptoms

Persistent low mood.

Feelings of helplessness and hopelessness.

Low self-esteem.

Feeling guilty, irritable, intolerant of others, or tearful.

Having low motivation.

Unable to make decisions.

Not enjoying life.

Feeling worried or anxious.

Having thoughts of harm or suicide.

Physical Symptoms

Speaking or moving more slowly than one used to.

Changes in weight or appetite.

Unexplained pains in the body.


Lack of energy and libido.

Changes in the menstrual cycle.

Difficulty in sleeping.

Social Symptoms

Difficulties in work or school.

Avoiding contact with others.

Disinterest in social activities, interests and hobbies.

Difficulties with family and home life.

Types of Depression
Major Depression

Major depression is sometimes called a major depressive disorder, clinical depression, unipolar depression, or simply 'depression'. It involves low mood and/or loss of interest and pleasure in usual activities, as well as other symptoms. The symptoms are experienced most days and last for at least two weeks. Symptoms of depression interfere with all areas of a person's life, including work and social relationships.

Major Depression/ Clinical depression is also described by the seriousness of the condition:

Mild - Depression has a small impact on a person's daily life, but it is possible to function.

Moderate - Depression has a significant impact on a person's daily life, and it is difficult to function in some tasks.

Depression has a major impact on a person's daily life, and it is almost impossible for these people to get through their daily tasks.

Bipolar Depression
Bipolar depression is a phase of bipolar disorder, which is a psychological condition where a person cycles between depression and mania. 

Seasonal Depression/Seasonal Affective Disorder
Seasonal affective disorder, or seasonal depression, is another type of depression that comes in a seasonal pattern. This type of depression is also called ‘winter depression’ because most of the symptoms appear more severe during the winter months. 

Cyclothymic disorder is often described as a milder form of bipolar disorder. The person experiences chronic fluctuating moods over at least two years, involving periods of hypomania (a mild to moderate level of mania) and periods of depressive symptoms, with very short periods (no more than two months) of normality between. The duration of the symptoms is shorter, less severe, and not as regular, and therefore don't fit the criteria of bipolar disorder or major depression.

Postnatal Depression
After having a baby, it is possible that a woman could experience another type of depression, postnatal depression. About 10 per cent of all women who give birth experience postnatal depression, and it can also affect partners and fathers, though it is far less common.
