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Contamination OCD

What is Contamination OCD?

Contamination OCD is a type of OCD where a person has a strong fear of germs, getting sick, or feeling "dirty." These fears make them do things like cleaning or avoiding certain places or objects to feel safe.

Common Worries in Contamination OCD

People with Contamination OCD may think:

  • What if I get cancer or a serious disease?
  • What if I get sick just by talking about it?
  • What if I spread an illness to someone and they die?
  • Could this food or object be dirty or unsafe?
  • What if touching something makes me feel dirty?

These thoughts don’t go away easily and can feel very stressful.

Common Compulsions in Contamination OCD

  1. Excessive hand washing, showering, and cleaning
    Washing hands or cleaning the body repeatedly, even when it’s not necessary.

  2. Separating “contaminated” items from “non-contaminated” items
    Keeping things that feel “dirty” away from the rest of your belongings.

  3. Throwing away “contaminated” items
    Discarding objects that you believe have been touched or are unsafe.

  4. Repeatedly changing clothes
    Constantly wearing new or freshly cleaned clothes to feel safe.

  5. Using harsh cleaners on your skin
    Scrubbing with strong soaps or chemicals to feel clean, even if it causes harm.

  6. Doing excessive research on germs, illnesses, and ailments
    Looking up information about diseases to reduce anxiety, often increases fear.

  7. Sanitizing items unnecessarily
    Cleaning objects like phones, keys, or surfaces multiple times a day.

  8. Tracking items that have been touched by anyone else
    Avoiding or cleaning things that others have handled.

  9. Limiting foods due to fear of contamination
    Avoid eating certain foods or meals because of irrational fears.

  10. Using gloves or sanitiser excessively
    Wearing gloves or using hand sanitisers frequently, even in safe situations.

  11. Seeking reassurance
    Asking others if you are clean or safe, or if you’ve done something harmful.

  12. Engaging in rituals
    Repeating prayers, knocking, or specific thoughts to reduce anxiety.

  13. Avoiding public bathrooms
    Staying away from restrooms out of fear of germs.

  14. Avoiding certain places
    Not going near cemeteries or other areas believed to be “contaminated.”

While these actions may bring short-term relief, they feed the OCD cycle, making the problem worse over time. Recognizing these behaviours is the first step to overcoming them.

How Contamination OCD Affects Life

Spending too much time on these actions can affect your work, family, and daily life. Over-cleaning can also harm your health, by making your skin dry and cracked.

At WellMind Holistic, we use simple and practical methods to help you break free from this cycle and take back control of your life.

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